Mother of the Goddess’ Dormitory Episode 9 English Subbed

Episode Title :- Sutea Reflects on the Kotatsu/Koushi Tackles Spring Cleaning
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Episode Summary
Mineru buys a kotatsu. The girls all tease Koushi under the table but also reminisce about using kotatsu with their families. Koushi asks if he and Sutea can use it while doing homework, disappointing Atena. Sutea is hesitant but agrees as long as she doesn’t overheat. Atena goes shopping for knitting supplies. Koushi falls asleep under the kotatsu with his foot in Sutea’s panties, causing some accidental stimulation which is witnessed by Atena, causing Sutea to punish Koushi and banning him from the kotatsu indefinitely. Koushi begins spring-cleaning. Serene’s door sticks so she falls from her window and lands with her butt in Koushi’s face. Koushi finds outfits in Frey’s room she forced him to cosplay in and is almost punished by Sutea when he also finds underwear. Atena bribes their way into Serene’s room with food, finding the door was jammed because her mountains of possessions collapsed when she tried to find new year’s gifts she bought everyone for being her friends. Mineru gets drunk on her gift, a bottle of super strength sake, along with Atena and Serene so all three pass out on top of Koushi. Atena drunkenly reveals she is jealous of Sutea but falls asleep before explaining why. Sutea finds them in a pile together and furiously punishes Koushi.