The Dungeon of Black Company Episode 7 English Subbed

Episode Title :- Return to Work
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Episode Summary
The Demon Lord is the resurrected Majin, Rim’s twin sister. She explains the Calonian civilisation created dungeons and Guardians like Rim to manage the flow of magic throughout the planet, but when Rim met Kinji and abandoned her dungeon Raiza’ha was able mine all the way to the bottom and use the advanced technology of the Calonian city beneath it to take over the world. Majin temporarily defeated Raiza’ha and became Demon Lord, but Raiza’ha has returned, having turned their corporate slaves into robots to defeat Majin and turn the planet into a dystopia empty of biological life. Thus she offers Kinji a choice; return to Japan or go back in time and stop Raiza’ha in the past. Kinji chooses to go back in time where as a Raiza’ha employee Belza fines him 10 million gold for going missing for a month, forcing him, Rim, Ranga and Wanibe to move into Shia’s flat where Kinji explains his plan, to get to the bottom of the dungeon and reach the Calonian city before Belza so he can capture their technology and take over the world first instead of Belza.
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