Mieruko-chan Episode 11 English Subbed

Episode Title :- She Looks
Watch Mieruko-chan Episode 11 English Subbed Full Episode Watch For Free Online at CroAnime.xyz
Episode Summary
A flashback reveals that as a child, Zen was raised by an extremely overbearing mother. In the present, Miko secretly follows Zen to try and find evidence of wrongdoing so he can be removed from the school. She sees Zen encounter a kitten, and fearing he will harm it, intervenes to take it away from him. However, as she tries to run away, the kitten escapes from her grasp and runs onto the road. Zen then dives in to rescue the kitten, being hit by a car in the process. Another flashback shows a young Zen secretly adopting a stray kitten, only for his mother to find out and kill it, further traumatizing him. At the hospital, Zen reveals to Miko that he’s been trying to look for a criminal who has been attacking cats. Zen’s friend Satoru then arrives and explains Zen’s family situation to Miko, and she realizes the ghost haunting Zen is the ghost of his mother. She then taunts the ghost into attacking her, causing the shrine maiden spirits to destroy her, and up Miko’s third chance.
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