Takt Op. Destiny Episode 2 English Subbed

Episode Title :- Music -Reincarnation-
Watch Takt Op. Destiny Episode 2 English Subbed Full Episode Watch Online For Free at CroAnime.xyz
Episode Summary
A flashback shows Takt Asahina father’s funeral and the period later when he was living with Anna and Cosette. One day the Symphonica Party came to town and Cosette convinced Takt to play piano publicly for the first time. Cosette joined him in a four hands rendition of popular uptempo music, however the town suddenly came under attack from D2s. Takt’s right arm was damaged and Cosette was fatally injured but when she died, Cosette’s white stone pendant reincarnated her. As she transformed into a Musicart, she bit off Takt’s damaged arm and presented him with his golden conducting baton.
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