The Rising of the Shield Hero Episode 25 English Subbed

Episode Title :- The Rising of the Shield Hero
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Episode 25 English Subbed. Watch The Rising of the Shield Hero Episode 25 English Subbed for Free Online.
Episode Summary
Naofumi confronts Glass in single combat, where she reveals herself as a Hero from L’Arc’s homeworld, the “Fan Hero.” Naofumi discovers Glass is weak against his Soul Eater shield, but hesitates, unwilling to kill her since he realizes she is trying to protect her own world. Raphtalia then intervenes, reminding Naofumi that there are many people in this world that he wants to protect. Meanwhile, Mirellia finds Lecia Ivyred, a Bow Party novice, and has her launch liquor barrels at Glass. Glass is quickly intoxicated by the powerful alcohol, forcing L’Arc and Therese to help her to withdraw as the Wave’s time limit runs out. Returning to Cal Mira, Naofumi ponders the revelation of other worlds fighting the Waves, and Fitoria’s words. He also recruits Lecia into his party; who she attempted to commit suicide by drowning after she is kicked out of Itsuki’s party due to a false accusation against her. Sailing back to the mainland, Naofumi takes up Mirellia’s reward: Lordship of Seyaette, with people Naofumi trusts to rebuild it. Raphtalia expresses her feeling that this is insurance should he die or go home, though Naofumi reveals it’s his new beginning with them. As Naofumi and Raphtalia oversee her village rebuilding, the other Heroes resolve to become stronger than Naofumi. Meanwhile, Beloukas gains a secret new patron.
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